The LIFE CLIVUT program is a European project funded by LIFE, the
EU instrument for the environment and climate action. LIFE contributes
to the implementation, updating and development of the EU’s environmental
and climate policy and laws by co-financing projects with European
added value.
The general objective of LIFE CLIVUT is to develop and implement a
“strategy” for the management of urban forests that optimizes their
environmental and climatic services, in medium-sized Mediterranean
cities. The strategy will be based on the shared planning and management
of urban green and natural spaces by administrations, urban planners,
citizens and businesses.
The project foresees information, training and citizen participation
actions to improve urban greenery and contribute to the well-being
and quality of life in cities.
The partners of the project are:
University of Perugia- DICA
Municipality of Perugia
Municipality of Bologna
Aristotele University of Thessaloniky (GR)
ISG Istituto Superior de Gestao (PT)
CESAR Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (Assisi)