Notícias e Eventos

After 4 years of dedicated effort, the LIFE CLIVUT project concluded on August 31st. The Urban
Green Climate Change Strategy has been effectively executed in Portugal (Cascais), Italy (Perugia and
Bologna), and Greece (Thessaloniki), as well as in their corresponding transfer cities.
The LIFE CLIVUT team has successfully applied their knowledge and gained valuable insights in the
realm of Green Urban areas. They have excelled in the implementation of collaborative planning and
management approaches for urban green and natural spaces, involving citizens, businesses,
universities, schools, and urban planners.
The most noticeable results of the project have been:
An increase in the use of public green areas and the related impact on health - The LIFE CLIVUT
project through dissemination activities has made citizens living in the 4 pilot and transfer cities
more aware of the role and ecosystem benefits of urban green space.
A willingness to pay for new green spaces and trees in one's city -Investments in urban greenery
help mitigate climate change and city resilience in the face of the increasingly frequent extreme
phenomena that our cities face.
Growing interest/attention to environmental and climate matters – The project noticed a growing
interest in the 4 project targets (public administrators, citizens, students, and entrepreneurs)
towards climate change also through the expression of concern about their future. Nevertheless, it
was mentioned that urban greening with its mitigation and adaptation functions is a largely
interesting solution that can be an active way to tackle the climate crisis.
Change in management of green areas - The public administrations in the cities involved in the
project are changing how they manage public green areas to improve CO2 storage and make trees
more resilient to climate change. With the spread of new diseases or pathogens, and it has become
necessary to increase biodiversity by changing the choice of species by first checking the planting
conditions and then the best species best suited to those locations.

These changes will save greatly on the mortality of planted species, and improve management
practices of existing trees by intervening in a more rational and indicated way than the old
methodologies, also using tools with low environmental impact
All the outcomes achieved will continue to serve for ongoing work on green areas that both mitigate
and adapt to climate change. Furthermore, these achievements will contribute to influencing
European policies aimed at promoting these initiatives.
We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to these collective efforts. Let us persist in
our mission to make our cities even greener.
See you soon,

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