Νέα & Εκδηλώσεις

On Monday, Dec. 12 and Thursday, Dec. 15, The working group of the European Life CLIVUT project organized the seminar "Green Infrastructure and Urban Heat Island," dedicated to students of the University of Bologna.

Monday, December 12.

The online lecture dedicated to climate change was held and various topics were discussed:

- the greenhouse effect and the urban heat island effect;

- ecosystem and biodiversity;

- trees in the urban ecosystem (types and forms);

- urban greenery and climate change: what functions and effects do trees have within the ecosystem? How do trees help mitigate climate change?

Thursday, December 15

From 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. there was a visit to the phenological area located in Nicholas Green Park, Bologna.

The topic addressed was how to monitor climate change by observing trees with phenological surveys, and a web app lifelcivut treedb.

The seminar was organized by experts from the LIFE CLIVUT Project - University of Perugia:

- Prof. Marco Fornaciari da Passano

- Prof. Luigia Ruga

- Prof. Fabio Orlandi

- Dr. Chiara Proietti

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