Νέα & Εκδηλώσεις

In March, in the Municipality of Bologna, the practical activities of the LIFE CLIVUT team with schools have started: the project provides that the theoretical lessons, started in November, are followed by educational activities in the census areas and in the phenological monitoring areas, where students will learn to recognize and census trees and observe them in their development stages. This is in order to understand their interaction with the urban environment and climate change.

The working group, consistent with the objectives of the Project, has designed a toolkit for schools consisting of 3 educational modules to bring students closer to the themes of climate and climate change, knowledge of plants and their functioning and development, and the importance of the interaction between tree species and climate, highlighting their role in the fight against climate change.

In Bologna, schools of all levels are involved, and they have integrated the CLIVUT educational pathway in their curricula or in the activities of the School-Work alternation.

The beginning of spring has made it possible for students to live the practical part of the path, making "field experience" through cognitive walks in the phenological areas of the city.

This activity is getting the kids very excited because it allows them to learn to recognize plants and visually observe the life cycle of each plant, then correlating it to climate and climate change, and the quality of the environment in which they live.

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